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UCMA/Logic Controller

IMG_4681.JPG ucmlogic_1000.jpg

Code: UCMA/Logic

The UCM/Logic is an Automation Controller which can replace Comfort CM9000 in a network which can include any UCM (KNX, CBUS, Z-Wave, GSM etc), IRIO (Inteligent Remote I/O), HIO (Hotel I/O),  or TSM (Temperature Sensing Module).

UCM/Logic is applicable to an automation system which does not require the Comfort Intruder Alarm, but has the same capability of Comfort for Responses, Time Programs, Counters, Flags, and Sensors. It does not have the Voice recording/playback, voice menu, dial out, and telephone interface of Comfort and does not have any inputs and outputs. The UCM/Logic supports a plug in USB, RS232 or ETH03 ethernet submodule for programming and communications.
With the ETH03 plug-in, the Comfort apps for mobile and tablet can be used to access and control the system. The UCM/Logic is a combination of a controller and a UCM when the ETH03 or USB submodule is plugged in.
Weight: 0.25 kg

Cytech Technology Pte Ltd

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